Live Sale Guide

-What is a Live Sale?
Every day, we broadcast live on social media platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram. Our anchors curate a stunning showcase featuring our finest crystals, allowing you to shop in real-time.
Click here to view the show schedule.

-How do I shop the Live Sales online?

Step 1: Join the scheduled Live Sale on Instagram, TikTok, or Facebook.

Step 2: Request to see an item and comment "C (price)" or "Claim (price)" to claim!

If the item is already requested, that person has 'dibs,' but be sure to put in a backup claim!
Step 3: For first-time buyers - After your first claim, head to our website to create an account and message our Instagram with the email address linked to your account. Click here to create an account.

Shopped on our website before? All you have to do is send us your email address!
Step 4: For all buyers - We create your invoice and send it to your email.

Step 5: Complete the checkout and wait to receive your amazing new crystals from our Live Sale!

-What time are the shows?

Every week, we release a new schedule for our Live Sales on FB and IG. Our shows are scheduled daily, though timings may vary from week to week. Occasionally, a show might be canceled due to unforeseen circumstances.
Click here to view the show schedule.

-How do I make a claim?

1) An anchor will ask for requests to see an item by asking for the number corresponding to the item. The first person to request has first "dibs" on the item. All other shoppers have "backup dibs." The customer can either claim or pass on the item shown, but claims will be considered in respect to the order in which the requests were made.

2) If someone passes up an item, that item is up for grabs unless specified by the anchor. This includes commenting "pass," offering it to the next person, or the requestor leaving the live. At this point, the item can be backup claimed. A backup claim can be requested at any time.

3) An anchor may offer items as straight claims. This means that anyone can claim the item, and there are "no dibs."

***Please keep in mind that while your comment appears first on your screen, it may not display first on the anchor's screen. Their view may differ, so your comment might not be the first they see.

-When are invoices sent?

Your invoice will be sent to you on the same day as the show. The invoice will include a 10% discount if your order is over $30 and is paid within 24 hours of receiving the invoice. If the invoice is not paid within 24 hours, the 10% discount will be removed.

-How long do I have to pay an invoice?

All invoices must be paid within 1 week, or your order is canceled. Your invoice will be sent to you on the same day as the show. The invoice will include a 10% discount if your order is over $30 and is paid within 24 hours of receiving the invoice. If the invoice is not paid within 24 hours, the 10% discount will be removed.

-How much is shipping?

The shipping cost is calculated by the weight of your order.

-When will my order be shipped?

Orders ship within 1-2 business days, and shipping speed varies by carrier.

-Can I add items to my invoice?

1-2 items may be added to a Live Sale order at our discretion only. Orders from our website cannot be combined with Live Sale orders.
-Can I combine my orders to save on shipping costs?
While our packing department is often able to combine multiple orders into one shipment, this does come with some caveats.
  • First, while we are able to combine your orders in a single shipment, this will not affect the shipping cost. As our shipping costs are based on the weight of the individual items, the shipping cost for a combined order will be the same as the total costs for the individual orders. However, we are able to refund excess handling fees when combining orders, and this refund will be processed once the final package receives a shipping label.
  • Second, much like with shipping costs, combining orders will not affect any sales tax paid. Sales tax is a fee required by state governments and is calculated based on the prices of the individual items.
  • Third, once an order has received a label and shipped, we are not able to combine it with other orders. Any orders that need to be combined should be paid for at the same time.
Should you agree to these conditions and wish to combine your orders, please email our customer service team at with your CRG order numbers, and they will flag your orders accordingly and make sure our packing department sends your items together in a single shipment.
-What is Live Sale etiquette?
Customers are not permitted to contact staff via staff members' personal social media accounts regarding business matters. Please contact with any questions or comments.

Conversation during the Live should be positive and stay focused on the crystals that are for sale. We want everyone to enjoy their time shopping with us and need to allow adequate time to show all the beautiful items. If you have any questions or comments regarding Live Sale orders, shipping, procedures, etc., please DM us on Instagram. All other questions can be emailed to

If you have to leave the Live at any point and you have requests, please let the anchor know that you are leaving and when you will return.
Please do not request to see items so that they can become available for other viewers. Only request items that you are personally interested in.
Unkind comments will not be tolerated. Such comments will result in being removed from the live stream and may result in being blocked depending on the severity of the comments. CRG reserves the right to make this determination. Please be kind to your fellow customers and sales staff.

Please avoid mentioning other sales platforms and sellers during the Live that are not Crystal River Gems. These comments could result in strikes or a ban.

The exact methods and procedures during the Live Sale will vary by anchor. Each anchor has their own individual style and talents, and that's why we love them! They may slightly adjust procedures at their discretion.

***All policies are subject to change. We will adjust policies to meet the needs of CRG and buyers.

-What is the Live Sale Strike System?

Although we prefer not to, sometimes we have to add strikes to an account for different circumstances in order to maintain the integrity of our shows. If 3 strikes are acquired, you may be banned from shopping on our Live Shows.
1 Strike may be given out in the event of items being put back after claiming, late payment, messaging staff on personal accounts, or other minor issues as needed.
2 Strikes may be given out in the event of items with a value of over $150 being put back after claiming, canceling orders under $300/non-payment on orders under $300, or unkind behavior towards other participants including customers and staff.
3 Strikes (accumulated or all at once) may result in a ban from our Live Sales. 3 strikes are issued for canceling or non-payment on orders over $300 or repeated unkind behavior towards other participants including customers and staff.